what’s your reality…

I’ve had a couple recent conversations with people about our television faves and habits. And like many conversations the question comes up in some form or another, do you watch reality shows? And if so which ones? My party line is that I truly try not to add any new reality shows. Not because I don’t think there are some good ones, but because I am afraid that I could get sucked into any of them. They’re also for me somewhat easier to drop between seasons because the cast changes and I’m not invested. I have managed to keep a few around so here’s what’s still in the queue?

  • ANTM (CW) – The combination of ridiculousness and the actual skill that it seems to take to be a model are compelling – runway, shoots, commercials – I thought I had finally dropped this but two things sucked me back in, 1) I have two good friends who are dedicated and although we no longer try to get together on a regular basis we do try to get together once a season 2) all-stars season brought back some faves.
  • Project Runway (Life) – My favorite of the skill competitions, it’s a totally unrealistic way to design fashion, but the process and the result are always enthralling and the personalities that design fashion are not without drama.
  • Rehab with Dr Drew (VH1) – I should not have started watching these but I actually did it with a bit of disgust that they were taking advantage of these people for ratings, but the good Dr. truly cares, and although the editing process showcases more of the train wrecks than anything else, which you can’t look away from, it’s the closest I get to wanting a feel-good moment.
  • What Not to Wear (TLC) – Who doesn’t love a good makeover? Ok, well if you don’t this show clearly isn’t for you, but Stacy and Clinton offer some good quips and tough love as they manifest real change for most of these people even if some of them fight it every step of the way, plus it never hurts to learn a good tip or check out a good outfit.
  • The Glee Project (Oxy) – I’ve extolled the virtues of this show before but have to be honest that I have the last three eps of last season getting stale on my TiVo, I still do love the competition and the jam packed format and clearly focused casting make it a good tale.

I don’t do as much of the dating, dancing, cooking, celebrity lifestyle, or straight up voyeuristic… But remember the first season of Real World? Remember the first season of American Idol? I stuck with Survivor for a few seasons, Rock of Love for more than I will admit, Apprentice for a couple, Simple Life, Rockstar, Pop Stars, and the Voice for a whole season. Hmm what else am I forgetting?

These recent conversations came up with recommendations for Lizard Lick Towing and Long Island Medium which makes me wonder what I’m missing out on. What are your favorites, guilty pleasures, and recommendations? Chime in with comments below and tell me what might be worth a watch.

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