next week 3/10


  • Canterbury’s Law (Fox, 8pm) Series Premiere – The makers of ‘Rescue Me’ bring Julianna Margulies playing a kick ass lawyer.
  • The Bachelor (ABC, 8pm) – A lovely ‘where are they now’ episode.
  • October Road (ABC, 9pm) Season Finale – Back to back episodes cap off the season.


  • Beauty and the Geek (CW, 8pm) Season Premiere – This year it’s the beauties vs the geeks.
  • According to Jim (ABC, 9pm) Season Finale – And the season closes out.


  • Top Chef (Bravo, 10pm) Season Premiere – This year they settle in the windy city.
  • South Park (Comedy, 10pm) Season Premiere – Did I seriously read this was the 12th season for this animated show?


  • Celebrity Rehab (VH1, 10pm) – The gang gets back together in this reunion show, how will they be doing?
  • Reaper (CW, 9pm) – It’s a fresh ep, let’s see what Satan is asking of our little bounty hunter now, and whether he’s dating the spawn of Satan.


  • Return of Jezebel James (Fox, 8pm) – From the makers of Gillmore Girls and starring great gals Parker Posey and Lauren Ambrose as sisters, I’ll tune in even if it’s not supposed to be great.


  • Wisegal (Lifetime, 9pm) – Who could pass up Alyssa Milano in a made for tv mafioso movie?


  • John Adams (HBO, 8pm) – The first in the seven part mini-series.
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irregular shows, regular problems

newamsterdam.jpgI don’t do much typical show review posting here but last night’s viewing of ‘New Amsterdam’ made me pause and think about some of these fantastical shows that I love. And some that I don’t. I didn’t love ‘New Amsterdam’. The premise is that the lead character has been alive for centuries because some native americans blessed/cursed him whilst saving his life, for saving theirs, to live until his soul is merged with his one true love, or something like that. So after all the years he’s still in New York and is a homicide detective.

Often I like the irregular (some say sci fi but I think it’s really more/other than just that) show because it allows the show to create a new or alternate world, create different limitations or abilities, and watch how the character(s) move within this world. But with the freedom of creating unreal elements to a show comes the burden of scoping the longevity, having them make sense, and most importantly having it add to the show. But even more importantly it does not remove the responsibility of having interesting characters and telling a good story.

So that brings me back to the not in love… I wasn’t crazy about the premise of this guy living forever-ish. I mean he’s kind of like a vampire but not, that’s fine. But they could have put a little more effort into the manifestation story (why is saving his life tied to not getting old? and why is not getting old tied to finding his soul mate?). And the display of his having a near fatal something-like-a-heart-attack when being in the presence of a ton of women one of whom must have been ‘the one’… so with such a strong reaction he’ll at least know when he meets her again, right? But I can let the premise issues slide to see how they develop.

What I have trouble letting slide are that the side effects of his being alive for so many years are a little unbelievable, particularly that all of them came out in the first episode. He designs tables that he can sell for tens of thousands of dollars because they appear as if made by the original craftsman, him (though clearly people could tell that it’s not old wood among other things). He reads lips because he at one time was deaf. He knows that a certain artist uses gold in their painting when a murder victim has it under her nails because of course he used to go out with this artist. And I’m just not sure these unbelievable items add to the show. Though I am willing to cut him a little slack for having lived several more exciting lives than I live. And don’t get me wrong, my life is exciting.

But… the worst thing is that he’s sort of annoying and as a detective show the case couldn’t have been more boring. I didn’t dig the way he just says stuff to regular people about having like 600 girlfriends, and being an alcoholic for like 6,000 days, and I assume calling his dog like 36 because he’s lived through so many of them. And seriously you can’t work and live in the same city, even New York, forever without people seeing you not get old and getting way too far into your business. There seems to be at least a bartender buddy who knows his deal which could be an interesting aspect.

Now I don’t mean to pick on ‘New Amsterdam’, I will even almost positively watch it again since I think you can rarely get the full sense of series from the pilot. I just thought it was a good example of some of the issues I was having with some other new series. ‘Bionic Woman’ had a good premise but not a great lead and laughable cases. ‘Moonlight’ has been done before, and better, with a more interesting cast, though the lead is decent. ‘Reaper’ was a fantastic pilot with fun, interesting characters but week after week I found myself looking for something new.

Now I realize shows like ‘Buffy’ don’t come around every day where there are people who loved it despite (as well as because of) its fantastical elements. And I don’t want to pick on sci fi shows in general, there are a ton of shows with a bad premise, bad characters, and bad stories. But as we all know I’ll keep watching, any and all, waiting and hoping for the gems.

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next week 3/3


  • Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Fox, 8-10pm) Season Finale – I have to say I am still not in love with Sarah or John but still find this show pretty interesting with the past, present, and future and what the right thing to do is.


  • New Amsterdam (Fox, 8pm) Series Debut – So some immortal guy is looking for his true love while fighting crime of course.
  • Carpoolers (ABC, 9:30) Season Finale – This is the show about four guys who… carpool, with Jerry O’Connell, and I find it almost funny.
  • The Real Housewives of New York City (Bravo, 11pm) Series Premiere – For those of you who just couldn’t get enough of the Real Housewives of Orange County.


  • Project Runway (Bravo, 10pm) Season Finale – Who will have the finest collection? Ok, I’m still like four episodes behind.


  • Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew (VH1, 10pm) Season Finale – Addiction isn’t always pretty, but I’m addicted to this show, which actually surprised me with how much I thought this show was a bad idea but these ‘celebrities’ were shown as real people with real issues.


  • Stargate Atlantis (SciFi, 10pm) Season Finale – I think I’ve seen at least some sort of Stargate… I don’t know if this is underwater?


  • Beach Volleyball (Kron, 9pm) – AVP Crocs Hot Winter Nights tour and I do love me some good beach volleyball.


  • The Wire (HBO, 9pm) Series Finale – Well this is it for the series and I know some obsessive folks who are bummed about that, and some folks who still aren’t caught up on the dvds so they won’t really appreciate the loss for a while.
  • Breaking Bad (AMC, 10pm) Season Finale – Well I am behind on these as well but wanna stick through and see what other ridiculous things these drug guys are into.
  • My Fair Brady (VH1, 10:30pm) Season Finale – I’m just noting this because I know someone who watches this show.
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oceanic 4.5?

lost sayid kate and angry guyI’m as caught up as I’m going to be before tomorrow night’s episode. So of the Losties we’ve got Jack, Kate, Hugo, Sayid, and Aaron…? Kate’s flash forward trial for misc counts against her after returning from the island was quite a revealing episode. But then again so was Sayid’s. Where to begin?

Well we now know that the official future story is that 8 people survived the plane crash and that 2 of them were supposedly killed, or something. We know that quite a few people have been killed on the island, so why 2? I mean the number of dead people seems an odd thing to lie about, but clearly this lie is particularly crafted. Some of the folks could have been known to have initially survived I suppose.

So future Kate gets out of jail time… I could see how Kate’s mom not testifying might get her off of murdering her dad (or stepdad?) but didn’t she rob a bank and kill at least one other guy there? Whatever. Also random that part of her parole agreement was that she couldn’t leave the state for ten years, something tells me that will come up again.

So after future Jack testified about Kate’s heroism (and the fact that he no longer loved her?) did he not want to hang with Kate and her ‘son’ Aaron because he has issues with his being his nephew, or leaving sis Claire behind (his dad was Claire’s dad too as we recall though I don’t believe island Jack knows that)? Or my secret unrealistic theory that it’s because he has issues with the fact that it’s Kate and Sawyer’s baby!

Unrealistic but, Kate denies being pregnant as she turned down Sawyer for sex but being pregnant could explain why she gets off the island to face prison. Also unlikely to name her son Aaron in tribute, and for her kid to be that old. But how old is that kid? Assuming it’s Claire’s Aaron, they’d only been there but 100 days so far, not sure how far into that Claire had him, but how much time elapses before they get off, or after they get back but before the trial.

And speaking of time we know that time isn’t universal, as one of the ‘rescuers’ from ‘not Penelope’s boat’ (who are apparently there to get Ben, but also have a photo of Penelope and Desmond?) sent a little test tracker from boat to island and time passed differently on the island. This of course gets us all ready to hear that the helicopter that took off from the island the day before still hasn’t landed on the freighter.

And we assume the chopper hasn’t crashed because we also know that future Sayid is working for Ben, WTF? He’s killing folks in an apparent attempt to protect his ‘friends’, the other survivors I assume. And someone is trying to kill Sayid to get to Ben, or for info on who he’s working for. Ben wasn’t on the original flight so he’s theoretically not a part of the six. We also know that when island Sayid found Ben’s little hidden room at the barracks that he had a number of passports and piles of cash. For some reason I was thinking that we were told that he had never left the island, but I could easily be wrong.

And new angry asian “recuer” is trying to blackmail extort Ben saying he’d tell his team that Ben was dead if he gave him 3.2 million. So clearly he knows that island Ben has some access to that amount of cash, or else it’s some crazy code for something. We do know that Ben says he has an insider on the boat.

And what of the rescuers? We know that the four folks were picked for some reason. One guy talks to ghosts (angry asian rescuer), one guy is some sort of scientist (spacy can’t remember -or predict- three cards), one woman is an anthropologist (i think this is the role VMars almost got), and one guy was supposed to be the pilot of the Oceanic crashed flight (old chopper dude). 

All were gathered by creepy black guy who said he was from Oceanic when he visited future Hurly in the loony bin. And dead rescuer Naomi was supposed to be the trained one to see that the four got on and off safely. Whoops.

What will the next episode reveal? Tune in or Tivo Thursday night to find out!

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and the show went on

heiglWell the Oscars were neither canceled nor postponed thanks to the writer’s strike settling. We were sort of wondering if they had enough time to write jokes for Jon Stewart, and if maybe he might not have been better off just winging it. If he started one more joke off with saying something nice and then… like ‘how great is that Julie Christie, (wait for audience applause) speaking of great…’ I do generally like Stewart and enjoyed him previously so I’ll cut him some slack and admit some chuckles but overall he lacked spark and wit.

And the presenters overall were fine. Owen Wilson rushing through his lines, but nice to see him out again. But what was up with some of the choices on who presents, I get the whole former winners, but Mily Cyrus? I just don’t know. (Though she was maybe the hottest of Barbara Walter’s guests, but I would have axed her and stuck with Juno’s Ellen Paige, we agreed not two youngin’s – and a friend questioned doesn’t Barbara normally only have three guests – but this is all mostly irrelevant.)

tilda swintonOverall there were no real surprises, except maybe that I won my Oscar pool. Oh and maybe that they let that nice girl who co-won the song for ‘Once’ come back on stage after she didn’t get a chance to thank folks. No one in my group picked the documentary but all the hype really was for ‘No End in Sight,’ though it’s still sitting on top of my TV unwatched in its Netflix sleeve.

And most importantly there were very few seriously stunning dresses and few stinkers. I admittedly tend to nitpick so there were a number of dresses that I generally liked but had an issue or two with. I thought Katherine Heigle’s was near perfection. The simple red dress was just the right color and cut on her, and it had just enough detail to make it interesting. And the rest of her look complimented it, and her, wonderfully.

ddlewisIn the stinker category, I hate to say it because I love the quirkiness, but I just couldn’t get into Tilda Swinton’s one sleeve muumuu, and her clean skin and stark hair just didn’t do it for this look. And I hate to pick on a spouse but the woman with Daniel Day Lewis could learn that less is more. The red bow sleeves and the giant center jewels scared me every time they panned to him.

And if you missed the rest of the awards you can catch the winners at

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next week 2/25


  • Raisin in the Sun (ABC, 8pm) – Actual Broadway stars in this teleplay version produced by Puff/PDiddy/Sean Combs himself.
  • The Gates (HBO, 10pm) – Documentary showing the 25 year/20 million art project of steel flagged arches throughout central park.


  • Quarterlife (NBC, 10pm/second ep sunday 9pm) Series Premiere – This is the show about annoying 25 year olds that was rejected as a pilot, produced for the web, then put back on tv, as I recall the decision was made around strike time.
  • Back to You (Fox, 9:30pm/next ep wed 9:30) – They’re back on as the coanchors try to deal with each other and their kid.


  • Men in Trees (ABC, 10pm) – Back from hiatus as Anne Heche does stuff in Alaska.
  • Project Runway (Bravo, 10pm) Season Finale Part 1 – Ok I am about three behind on this, time to catch up before the winner is spilled.


  • Celebrity Rehab (VH1, 10pm) Season Finale – So I have gotten totally hooked on these folks, and honestly I have my doubts but it would be nice if some sobriety stuck. — hmm looks like there is one more after this.


  • Your Mama Don’t Dance (Life, 9pm) Series Premiere – Yes it’s another dance show as DWTS vet Ian Ziering hosts actual dancers and their parents in competition.


  • George Carlin: It’s Bad for Ya (HBO, 10pm) – Looks like it’s Carlin’s 13th comedy special making the funny.


  • Oprah’s Big Give (ABC, 9pm) Series Premiere – Contestants compete to be the biggest givers by giving of course.
  • Unhitched (Fox, 9:30pm) Series Premiere – Four newly single ‘losers’ make their way together.
  • Dirt (Fx, 10pm) Season Premiere – Courtney Cox as gossip mag queen.
  • Here Come the Newlyweds (ABC, 10pm) Series Premiere – Seven couples compete or something.
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next week 2/18


  • Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann (ABC, 8pm) Season Finale – So the teams compete, and I read they are announcing the next round of Dancing with the Stars competitors.
  • Prison Break (Fox, 8pm) – Last due to strike as the guys try to break out or something.
  • My Dad is Better Than Your Dad (NBC, 9pm) Series Premiere – Some sort of family stunt competition, headed up by Dad.
  • Pussycat Dolls Presents: Girlicious (CW, 9pm) Series Premiere – Since they’ve got enough Pussycat dolls they’re forming a whole new girl group.


  • Boston Legal (ABCX, 10pm) – Last due to strike as the firm takes a case or something.
  • Nip/Tuck (Fx, 10pm) Season Finale – The boys nip and tuck.


  • America’s Next Top Model (CW, 8pm) Season Premiere – Thirty gals get narrowed down to the final entries to the house… I have to say this isn’t as fun as once they narrow down but gets me back in the ANTM groove!
  • Mythbusters (Disc, 9pm) 100th Episode – They’re doing Macgyver myths!
  • Cashmere Mafia (ABC, 10pm) – Last due to strike as the gals deal with drama in nice clothes.


  • American Idol (Fox, 8pm) – So two nights aren’t enough as they kick off two of the guys and two of the gals.
  • Supernatural (CW, 9pm) – Last ep due to strike as the boys fight the supernatural I presume.


  • The Price is Right (CBS, 8pm) – Drew and the gang hit primetime.
  • Amne$ia (NBC, 9pm) Series Premiere – Dennis Miller hosts this latest game show where contestants are quizzed about things from their actual life.


  • Independent Spirit Awards (IFC, 5pm) – Rainn Wilson hosts as the indies are honored.
  • Joe Louis: America’s Hero…Betrayed (HBO, 8pm) – A documentary on cross over athlete Joe Lewis covering the time he defeated the Nazis, ok fought a German.


  • The Barbara Walters Special (ABC, 7est before/8:30pst pm following the awards) – Babs interviews Miley Cyrus, Ellen Page, Harrison Ford, and Vanessa Williams, aren’t these interviews supposed to be more relevant, I mean that Miley seems hot with the kids but otherwise…
  • 80th Annual Academy Awards (ABC, 5pst/8est pm) – Preshow first for a half hour, the real deal follows, I would be pretty happy if I could win my oscar pool and see a truly hideous dress, but the odds are for hideous dress alone.
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now america votes

idol242.jpgAnd no I’m not talking about presidential politics. Now’s the time for America to start choosing their next Idol. For the most part I’m not sure that the populous vote works on artistic endeavors but the show has certainly made some stars. Some sell records, some win Grammys, think Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, oh and then there’s Jennifer Hudson and that little thing they call an Oscar.

But that’s not really the fun of the show. We’ve now narrowed it down to 24 and starting next week we’ll get a night of women’s performances and then a night of men. I have to say I wonder if the performers who have been more greatly featured in the profiles to date will already have a greater following or if the performances will speak for themselves.

Personally, of the men I dig that Australian guy. On the women’s side I’m more torn, I like that girl who lost her voice, the rocker/nurse girl, and the Irish girl. I suppose I could learn their actual names, but heck why bother, they could be eliminated next week. And in fact as I recall it is always pretty clear right away that a few of those put forward just don’t have the stuff in the fuller format.

So stay tuned. I will, at least for another round. Oh and if you care who specifically the top 24 are you can always check out Idol central at

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is the strike all struck?

writeWell we’re almost there… This weekend the WGA has reached a tentative deal with the Alliance of Producers that would include terms that apparently look agreeable, including compensation for works distributed online. They’ll officially vote on Tuesday but folks are expected to rev things up starting today for the writers to be back as early as Wednesday.

So what does this mean for tv? Well some of the shows are hoping to ramp back up to finish out some episodes this season and some won’t be back until next year. Not so much a consideration as to the shows long term prospects, more based on that fact that shows like half hour sitcoms are quicker and easier to gear back up. Though of course there are a few casualties that just aren’t going to be back, but you can’t blame the strike for no more Bionic Woman or Big Shots. For a regularly updated list of back to work plans, TV Guide has a nice page of expectations per show.

And it looks like there will in fact be a fall season, but the strike, among other costs concerns, is making the studios lean towards a leaner season. Typically they spend a lot of time developing a lot of scripts and producing more pilots than they would ever use. So will fewer development deals be merely a more critical eye and more cost effective displays of direction? Or will fewer things developed turn out the same percentage of good ones, meaning we’ll just see fewer gems?

And of course for the Oscars the show will go on, which was always going to be the case, but I’m not sure what Plan B was really looking like… So Jon Stewart may have a little less time to get his jokes polished, but thanks to the fashion gods for smiling on us, we’ll have a real red carpet.

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next week 2/11


  • Flavor of Love (VH1, 9pm) Season Premiere – Apparently Flavor didn’t find true love last season…
  • Girlfriends (CW, 9/9:30pm) – Last due to the strike as the gang keeps doing how they do.


  • Big Brother (CBS, 9pm) Season Premiere – So in the 9th season the gang gets matched up as couples to compete as teams.
  • Jericho (CBS, 10pm) Season Premiere – I was never in love with this show but this post nuclear drama has got a nice fan following.


  • ANTM (CW, 8pm) – Part two of the retrospective clips show.


  • NAACP Image Awards (Fox, 8pm) – Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin receive special honors.


  • Monk (USA, 9pm) Season Finale – So this is actually only part 1, part 2 will air next week as Monk tries to escape his arrest for murder.
  • Las Vegas (NBC, 9pm) – Last due to the strike as the gang in the surveillance room gets taken hostage.
  • Celine Dion (CBS, 9pm) – Whatever.
  • Psych (USA, 10pm) Season Finale – This is the one where the guy pretends to be psychic?


  • Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2008 (TNT, 11pm) – Behind the lens look at this shoot, for those who like that sort of thing.


  • Knight Rider (NBC, 9pm) – Oh yeah you read that right… Knight Rider is back, this tv movie was sort of designed as a back door pilot as we see a new KITT, a new driver, and you might see a touch of Hoff in a guest role.
  • Cold Case (CBS, 9pm) – Last due to strike as the team investigates an abusive father, but is he the culprit?
  • Family Guy (Fox, 9pm) Season Premiere – Apparently there’s some beef between the Family and James Woods who guests.
  • Brothers and Sisters (ABC, 10pm) – Last due to strike as the family makes some ‘compromises.’
  • Dexter (CBS, 10pm) Network Debut – I’ll probably get this serial killer/murder solver show on dvd before watching the edited version.
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