dsm stands for….

No not the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, though it could be one and the same as we delve into Dirty Sexy Money. Ready to tune into tonight’s episode? Well here’s where we’re at. Nick George (Peter Krause from 6 Feet Under) finds out his father died and he inherited the post of Darling family attorney, wooed by stacks of money to give away to causes as he saw fit. He soon realized that it was all more trouble than it was worth, he was more than family attorney, he was trouble shooter and secret keeper for all things Darling…

Patrick (William Baldwin) is the Attorney General of New York and after his father convinced him to run for senate he also convinces him to dump his tranny mistress. Alas he really loves her and the break didn’t last long. Our man of the cloth, brother Brian lies to his family about his illegitimate son, somehow making cruel comments amusing as he keeps the faux Swedish exchange student in line. Karen who just so happened to be Nick’s first, is marrying yet another vapid man, though she hasn’t gotten over Nick and won’t let he or his wife forget it. And of course the twins of excess. Celebutante Juliet (Samaire Armstrong of OC and Entourage) wants to make it on her own, though apparently her father bought her latest theater role. She was furious when she found out but not nearly as furious as she was when she found out that her brother Jeremy was dating her ex best friend (apparently the rift was caused by the stealing of bangs). When Jeremy isn’t sleeping with this one, and potentially getting her pregnant, he’s fully embracing the playboy lifestyle winning yachts in poker games and writing lyrics with Justin Timberlake, among other things.

All too much to take for Nick but when he learned that his father’s death wasn’t an accident he planned to stick with the Darlings until he found out who killed him. Now the most likely candidate is patriarch Tripp (Donald Sutherland). Turns out Tripp’s lovely wife Leticia/Tish (Jill Clayburgh) had been having an affair with now dead pops for the past 40 years. Did Tripp know? Nick was getting mixed messages but after getting nowhere by going to the police, or stealing Tripp’s journal, he realized he had to trust, or at least use him, to get to the bottom of this.

Nick’s dad left him one thing, a briefcase with a dossier – not a file but a dossier – pointing to some suspiciousness of another big money New Yorker, Simon Elder (Blair Underwood). When Nick contacts his dad’s contact, an ex CIA op, he found that he had helped pops do investigation on Elder but then stopped helping when he realized pops must be working for someone else, wanting him to investigate Tripp. Who was pops working for, Elder? The mysterious C of some of his appointments? Turns out they could be one and the same as Elder pulls off in his diplomat limo with the license plate C. So is Elder the bad guy, or is Tripp? Elder did buy back the Darling sex tape, just because it was the right thing to do (It was Karen with some caddy, and apparently we learned Juliet reports to being a virgin).

Oh and about Tish’s affair, turns out Tripp confronted her with unread DNA results and she was going to tell him which one of his kids wasn’t his… but of course we’ll need to stay tuned for that sort of reveal.

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  1. I’m surprised at how much I like this show, I wonder what will happen now that Samaire is in rehab?

  2. thank goodness Samaire is only doing outpatient rehab, and though it looks as if she will have lessened screentime for an ep or so we shouldn’t worry lest she starts embracign her juliet side a little too much…

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