antm – down to 10

Well last week the ladies kept up the bitchy, mostly Bianca, and tried to keep up the model. We have quickly learned that the model walking is harder than it looks because man, do some of the gals look awkward, apparently adding a good facial expression to coordination in heels and an awkward dress is a challenge. But how appropo since we are in a competition. After a training round in straight jackets, Saleisha shone in an actual show. And then onto the shoot, high fashion on a climbing wall. Jenah, who is pretty personable is still taking great photos while Bianca and Kimberly were in the bottom two… They didn’t think Kimberly’s in person look was translating on film, so she was sent packing.

Jaslene, aka Cha Cha, of course breaks in with her awkward commerical. Ever since they instituted the previous year’s winners doing commercials they haven’t had much success. Again, it doesn’t look that hard… Jaslene had a random moment this week where they awkwardly tried to combine her wanting to do good work with domestic abuse while probably trying to sell cosmetics, and of course she’s not a great speaker…

Plus this week we had makeover week which is a favorite as someone always freaks out. This week we didn’t have any major breakdowns until Bianca’s hair was so fried they decided not to redo it but to cut it all off, and the tears started to silently pour out. They left a super short cut and gave her a fancy Beyonce wig, unfortunately, or fortunately she actually looks great without hair. And after a boring makeup challenge they went to a photo shoot where they all played plants. Jenah was good again and our bottom two was a toss up amongst, bad-attitude-and-bad-photo Yaley Victoria, overbearing had-a-moment-of-modeling Saleisha, and sweet little pretty-but-maybe-not-modely Texan Chantal. Chantal got the first reprieve, and then Saleisha, in tears and her new bob, took her photo to the line. Super good riddance to Victoria who not only wasn’t looking or behaving attractively but they repeatedly cut to her with the whole, ‘this isn’t what I want to be doing’ statements. Goodness knows a model has got to want it, at least in Tyra’s book. Afterall we aren’t looking for any model, we’re looking for America’s Next Top Model.

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  1. still waiting for ANY of them to deliver a “wow” photo… i’m thinking that now is when the going gets good. lets hope.

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